Actions module

Actions allow the transformation of properties in time.

Some of Butano classes and namespaces can have actions performed on it.

For example, you can move a sprite from its current position to another and do it over a span of time.


module Action templates


file bn_affine_bg_actions.h
file bn_affine_bg_animate_actions.h
file bn_affine_bg_animate_actions_fwd.h
file bn_backdrop_actions.h
file bn_bg_palettes_actions.h
file bn_bgs_mosaic_actions.h
file bn_blending_actions.h
file bn_camera_actions.h
file bn_dmg_music_actions.h
file bn_green_swap_actions.h
file bn_inside_window_actions.h
file bn_jingle_actions.h
file bn_music_actions.h
file bn_rect_window_actions.h
file bn_regular_bg_actions.h
file bn_regular_bg_animate_actions.h
file bn_regular_bg_animate_actions_fwd.h
file bn_rumble_actions.h
file bn_sound_actions.h
file bn_sprite_actions.h
file bn_sprite_affine_mat_actions.h
file bn_sprite_animate_actions.h
file bn_sprite_animate_actions_fwd.h
file bn_sprite_palette_actions.h
file bn_sprite_palettes_actions.h
file bn_sprites_actions.h
file bn_sprites_mosaic_actions.h


class bn::affine_bg_visible_manager
Manages if an affine_bg_ptr must be committed to the GBA or not.
class bn::affine_bg_visible_toggle_action
Toggles if an affine_bg_ptr must be committed to the GBA or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_position_manager
Manages the position of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_move_by_action
Modifies the position of an affine_bg_ptr by a given delta.
class bn::affine_bg_move_to_action
Modifies the position of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_move_loop_action
Modifies the position of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_move_toggle_action
Changes the position of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_top_left_position_manager
Manages the top-left position of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_top_left_move_to_action
Modifies the top-left position of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_top_left_move_loop_action
Modifies the top-left position of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the top-left position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_top_left_move_toggle_action
Changes the top-left position of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_rotation_manager
Manages the rotation angle of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_rotate_by_action
Modifies the rotation angle of an affine_bg_ptr by delta_rotation_angle. When the rotation angle is over 360, it goes back to 0 and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_rotate_to_action
Modifies the rotation angle of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_rotate_loop_action
Modifies the rotation angle of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the rotation angle is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_rotate_toggle_action
Changes the rotation angle of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_scale_manager
Manages the horizontal scale of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_scale_to_action
Modifies the horizontal scale of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_scale_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal scale of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_scale_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal scale of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_scale_manager
Manages the vertical scale of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_scale_to_action
Modifies the vertical scale of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_scale_loop_action
Modifies the vertical scale of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_scale_toggle_action
Changes the vertical scale of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_scale_manager
Manages the scale of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_scale_to_action
Modifies the scale of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_scale_loop_action
Modifies the scale of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_scale_toggle_action
Changes the scale of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_shear_manager
Manages the horizontal shear of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_shear_to_action
Modifies the horizontal shear of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_shear_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal shear of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_shear_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal shear of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_shear_manager
Manages the vertical shear of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_shear_to_action
Modifies the vertical shear of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_shear_loop_action
Modifies the vertical shear of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_shear_toggle_action
Changes the vertical shear of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_shear_manager
Manages the shear of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_shear_to_action
Modifies the shear of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_shear_loop_action
Modifies the shear of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_shear_toggle_action
Changes the shear of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_flip_manager
Manages if an affine_bg_ptr is flipped in its horizontal axis or not.
class bn::affine_bg_horizontal_flip_toggle_action
Toggles if an affine_bg_ptr must be flipped in the horizontal axis or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_flip_manager
Manages if an affine_bg_ptr is flipped in its vertical axis or not.
class bn::affine_bg_vertical_flip_toggle_action
Toggles if an affine_bg_ptr must be flipped in the vertical axis or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_pivot_position_manager
Manages the position of the pivot of an affine_bg_ptr.
class bn::affine_bg_move_pivot_by_action
Modifies the position of the pivot of an affine_bg_ptr by a given delta.
class bn::affine_bg_move_pivot_to_action
Modifies the position of the pivot of an affine_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::affine_bg_move_pivot_loop_action
Modifies the position of the pivot of an affine_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::affine_bg_move_pivot_toggle_action
Changes the position of the pivot of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_wrapping_manager
Manages if an affine background must wrap around at the edges or not.
class bn::affine_bg_wrapping_toggle_action
Toggles if an affine_bg_ptr must wrap around at the edges or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_mosaic_manager
Manages if the mosaic effect must be applied to an affine_bg_ptr or not.
class bn::affine_bg_mosaic_toggle_action
Toggles if the mosaic effect must be applied to an affine_bg_ptr or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_blending_manager
Manages if blending must be applied to an affine_bg_ptr or not.
class bn::affine_bg_blending_toggle_action
Toggles if blending must be applied to an affine_bg_ptr or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_blending_top_manager
Manages if an affine_bg_ptr must be part of the blending top layer or not.
class bn::affine_bg_blending_top_toggle_action
Toggles if an affine_bg_ptr is part of the blending top layer or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::affine_bg_blending_bottom_manager
Manages if an affine_bg_ptr must be part of the blending bottom layer or not.
class bn::affine_bg_blending_bottom_toggle_action
Toggles if an affine_bg_ptr is part of the blending bottom layer or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::iaffine_bg_animate_action
Base class of bn::affine_bg_animate_action.
class bn::iaffine_bg_cached_animate_action
Base class of bn::affine_bg_cached_animate_action.
template<int MaxSize>
class bn::affine_bg_animate_action
Changes the map of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
template<int MaxSize>
class bn::affine_bg_cached_animate_action
Changes the map of an affine_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::backdrop_blending_bottom_enabled_manager
Manages if the backdrop must be part of the blending bottom layer or not.
class bn::backdrop_blending_bottom_enabled_toggle_action
Toggles if the backdrop is part of the blending bottom layer or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palette_inverted_manager
Manages if the colors of a bg_palette_ptr must be inverted or not.
class bn::bg_palette_inverted_toggle_action
Toggles if the colors of a bg_palette_ptr must be inverted or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palette_grayscale_manager
Manages the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr.
class bn::bg_palette_grayscale_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palette_grayscale_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palette_grayscale_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palette_hue_shift_manager
Manages the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr.
class bn::bg_palette_hue_shift_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palette_hue_shift_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palette_hue_shift_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palette_fade_manager
Manages the intensity of the fade effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr.
class bn::bg_palette_fade_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palette_fade_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palette_fade_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the fade effect applied to a bg_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palette_rotate_manager
Manages the number of colors to rotate to the right in a bg_palette_ptr.
class bn::bg_palette_rotate_by_action
Modifies the number of colors to rotate to the right in a bg_palette_ptr by delta_count when the action is updated a given number of times. When the property is over the given maximum, it goes back to the given minimum and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palette_rotate_to_action
Modifies the number of colors to rotate to the right in a bg_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palette_rotate_loop_action
Modifies the number of colors to rotate to the right in a bg_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the number of colors to rotate to the right is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palette_rotate_toggle_action
Changes the number of colors to rotate to the right in a bg_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palettes_brightness_manager
Manages the brightness of all background color palettes.
class bn::bg_palettes_brightness_to_action
Modifies the brightness of all background color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palettes_brightness_loop_action
Modifies the brightness of all background color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the brightness is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palettes_brightness_toggle_action
Changes the brightness of all background color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palettes_contrast_manager
Manages the contrast of all background color palettes.
class bn::bg_palettes_contrast_to_action
Modifies the contrast of all background color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palettes_contrast_loop_action
Modifies the contrast of all background color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the contrast is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palettes_contrast_toggle_action
Changes the contrast of all background color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palettes_intensity_manager
Manages the intensity of all background color palettes.
class bn::bg_palettes_intensity_to_action
Modifies the intensity of all background color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palettes_intensity_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of all background color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palettes_intensity_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of all background color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palettes_inverted_manager
Manages if the colors of all background color palettes must be inverted or not.
class bn::bg_palettes_inverted_toggle_action
Toggles if the colors of all background color palettes must be inverted or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palettes_grayscale_manager
Manages the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all background color palettes.
class bn::bg_palettes_grayscale_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all background color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palettes_grayscale_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all background color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palettes_grayscale_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all background color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palettes_hue_shift_manager
Manages the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all background color palettes.
class bn::bg_palettes_hue_shift_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all background color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palettes_hue_shift_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all background color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palettes_hue_shift_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all background color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bg_palettes_fade_manager
Manages the intensity of the fade effect applied to all background color palettes.
class bn::bg_palettes_fade_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to all background color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::bg_palettes_fade_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to all background color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bg_palettes_fade_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the fade effect applied to all background color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_manager
Manages the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_to_action
Modifies the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds until it has a given state.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal stretch is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_vertical_stretch_manager
Manages the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_vertical_stretch_to_action
Modifies the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds until it has a given state.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_vertical_stretch_loop_action
Modifies the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical stretch is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_vertical_stretch_toggle_action
Changes the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_stretch_manager
Manages the stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_stretch_to_action
Modifies the stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds until it has a given state.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_stretch_loop_action
Modifies the stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds from a minimum to a maximum. When the stretch is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::bgs_mosaic_stretch_toggle_action
Changes the stretch of the mosaic applied to the backgrounds when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::blending_transparency_alpha_manager
Manages the weight of the transparency blending.
class bn::blending_transparency_alpha_to_action
Modifies the weight of the transparency blending until it has a given state.
class bn::blending_transparency_alpha_loop_action
Modifies the weight of the transparency blending from a minimum to a maximum. When the weight is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::blending_transparency_alpha_toggle_action
Changes the weight of the transparency blending when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::blending_intensity_alpha_manager
Manages the weight of the intensity blending.
class bn::blending_intensity_alpha_to_action
Modifies the weight of the intensity blending until it has a given state.
class bn::blending_intensity_alpha_loop_action
Modifies the weight of the intensity blending from a minimum to a maximum. When the weight is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::blending_intensity_alpha_toggle_action
Changes the weight of the intensity blending when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::blending_transparency_top_weight_manager
Manages the weight of the transparency blending for the top layer.
class bn::blending_transparency_top_weight_to_action
Modifies the weight of the transparency blending for the top layer until it has a given state.
class bn::blending_transparency_top_weight_loop_action
Modifies the weight of the transparency blending for the top layer from a minimum to a maximum. When the weight is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::blending_transparency_top_weight_toggle_action
Changes the weight of the transparency blending for the top layer when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::blending_transparency_bottom_weight_manager
Manages the weight of the transparency blending for the bottom layer.
class bn::blending_transparency_bottom_weight_to_action
Modifies the weight of the transparency blending for the bottom layer until it has a given state.
class bn::blending_transparency_bottom_weight_loop_action
Modifies the weight of the transparency blending for the bottom layer from a minimum to a maximum. When the weight is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::blending_transparency_bottom_weight_toggle_action
Changes the weight of the transparency blending for the bottom layer when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::blending_fade_alpha_manager
Manages the weight of the fade blending.
class bn::blending_fade_alpha_to_action
Modifies the weight of the fade blending until it has a given state.
class bn::blending_fade_alpha_loop_action
Modifies the weight of the fade blending from a minimum to a maximum. When the weight is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::blending_fade_alpha_toggle_action
Changes the weight of the fade blending when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::camera_position_manager
Manages the position of a camera_ptr.
class bn::camera_move_by_action
Modifies the position of a camera_ptr by a given delta.
class bn::camera_move_to_action
Modifies the position of a camera_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::camera_move_loop_action
Modifies the position of a camera_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::camera_move_toggle_action
Changes the position of a camera_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::dmg_music_volume_manager
Manages the volume of the active DMG music.
class bn::dmg_music_volume_to_action
Modifies the volume of the active DMG music until it has a given state.
class bn::dmg_music_volume_loop_action
Modifies the volume of the active DMG music from a minimum to a maximum. When the volume is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::dmg_music_volume_toggle_action
Changes the volume of the active DMG music when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::green_swap_manager
Manages if green swap must be enabled or not.
class bn::green_swap_toggle_action
Toggles if green swap must be enabled or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::inside_window_visible_manager
Manages if a inside_window must be committed to the GBA or not.
class bn::inside_window_visible_toggle_action
Toggles if a inside_window must be committed to the GBA or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::jingle_volume_manager
Manages the volume of the active Direct Sound jingle.
class bn::jingle_volume_to_action
Modifies the volume of the active Direct Sound jingle until it has a given state.
class bn::jingle_volume_loop_action
Modifies the volume of the active Direct Sound jingle from a minimum to a maximum. When the volume is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::jingle_volume_toggle_action
Changes the volume of the active Direct Sound jingle when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::music_volume_manager
Manages the volume of the active Direct Sound music.
class bn::music_volume_to_action
Modifies the volume of the active Direct Sound music until it has a given state.
class bn::music_volume_loop_action
Modifies the volume of the active Direct Sound music from a minimum to a maximum. When the volume is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::music_volume_toggle_action
Changes the volume of the active Direct Sound music when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::music_tempo_manager
Manages the tempo of the active Direct Sound music.
class bn::music_tempo_to_action
Modifies the tempo of the active Direct Sound music until it has a given state.
class bn::music_tempo_loop_action
Modifies the tempo of the active Direct Sound music from a minimum to a maximum. When the tempo is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::music_tempo_toggle_action
Changes the tempo of the active Direct Sound music when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::music_pitch_manager
Manages the pitch of the active Direct Sound music.
class bn::music_pitch_to_action
Modifies the pitch of the active Direct Sound music until it has a given state.
class bn::music_pitch_loop_action
Modifies the pitch of the active Direct Sound music from a minimum to a maximum. When the pitch is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::music_pitch_toggle_action
Changes the pitch of the active Direct Sound music when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::rect_window_top_manager
Manages the position of the top boundary of a rect_window.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_by_action
Modifies the position of the top boundary of a rect_window by a given delta.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_to_action
Modifies the position of the top boundary of a rect_window until it has a given state.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_loop_action
Modifies the position of the top boundary of a rect_window from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_toggle_action
Changes the position of the top boundary of a rect_window when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::rect_window_left_manager
Manages the position of the left boundary of a rect_window.
class bn::rect_window_move_left_by_action
Modifies the position of the left boundary of a rect_window by a given delta.
class bn::rect_window_move_left_to_action
Modifies the position of the left boundary of a rect_window until it has a given state.
class bn::rect_window_move_left_loop_action
Modifies the position of the left boundary of a rect_window from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::rect_window_move_left_toggle_action
Changes the position of the left boundary of a rect_window when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::rect_window_bottom_manager
Manages the position of the bottom boundary of a rect_window.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_by_action
Modifies the position of the bottom boundary of a rect_window by a given delta.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_to_action
Modifies the position of the bottom boundary of a rect_window until it has a given state.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_loop_action
Modifies the position of the bottom boundary of a rect_window from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_toggle_action
Changes the position of the bottom boundary of a rect_window when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::rect_window_right_manager
Manages the position of the right boundary of a rect_window.
class bn::rect_window_move_right_by_action
Modifies the position of the right boundary of a rect_window by a given delta.
class bn::rect_window_move_right_to_action
Modifies the position of the right boundary of a rect_window until it has a given state.
class bn::rect_window_move_right_loop_action
Modifies the position of the right boundary of a rect_window from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::rect_window_move_right_toggle_action
Changes the position of the right boundary of a rect_window when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::rect_window_top_left_manager
Manages the position of the top-left corner of a rect_window.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_left_by_action
Modifies the position of the top-left corner of a rect_window by a given delta.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_left_to_action
Modifies the position of the top-left corner of a rect_window until it has a given state.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_left_loop_action
Modifies the position of the top-left corner of a rect_window from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::rect_window_move_top_left_toggle_action
Changes the position of the top-left corner of a rect_window when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::rect_window_bottom_right_manager
Manages the position of the bottom-right corner of a rect_window.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_right_by_action
Modifies the position of the bottom-right corner of a rect_window by a given delta.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_right_to_action
Modifies the position of the bottom-right corner of a rect_window until it has a given state.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_right_loop_action
Modifies the position of the bottom-right corner of a rect_window from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::rect_window_move_bottom_right_toggle_action
Changes the position of the bottom-right corner of a rect_window when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::regular_bg_visible_manager
Manages if a regular_bg_ptr must be committed to the GBA or not.
class bn::regular_bg_visible_toggle_action
Toggles if a regular_bg_ptr must be committed to the GBA or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::regular_bg_position_manager
Manages the position of a regular_bg_ptr.
class bn::regular_bg_move_by_action
Modifies the position of a regular_bg_ptr by a given delta.
class bn::regular_bg_move_to_action
Modifies the position of a regular_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::regular_bg_move_loop_action
Modifies the position of a regular_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::regular_bg_move_toggle_action
Changes the position of a regular_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::regular_bg_top_left_position_manager
Manages the top-left position of a regular_bg_ptr.
class bn::regular_bg_top_left_move_to_action
Modifies the top-left position of a regular_bg_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::regular_bg_top_left_move_loop_action
Modifies the top-left position of a regular_bg_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the top-left position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::regular_bg_top_left_move_toggle_action
Changes the top-left position of a regular_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::regular_bg_mosaic_manager
Manages if the mosaic effect must be applied to a regular_bg_ptr or not.
class bn::regular_bg_mosaic_toggle_action
Toggles if the mosaic effect must be applied to a regular_bg_ptr or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::regular_bg_blending_manager
Manages if blending must be applied to a regular_bg_ptr or not.
class bn::regular_bg_blending_toggle_action
Toggles if blending must be applied to a regular_bg_ptr or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::regular_bg_blending_top_manager
Manages if a regular_bg_ptr must be part of the blending top layer or not.
class bn::regular_bg_blending_top_toggle_action
Toggles if a regular_bg_ptr is part of the blending top layer or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::regular_bg_blending_bottom_manager
Manages if a regular_bg_ptr must be part of the blending bottom layer or not.
class bn::regular_bg_blending_bottom_toggle_action
Toggles if a regular_bg_ptr is part of the blending bottom layer or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::iregular_bg_animate_action
Base class of bn::regular_bg_animate_action.
class bn::iregular_bg_cached_animate_action
Base class of bn::regular_bg_cached_animate_action.
template<int MaxSize>
class bn::regular_bg_animate_action
Changes the map of a regular_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
template<int MaxSize>
class bn::regular_bg_cached_animate_action
Changes the map of a regular_bg_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::rumble_manager
Manages if rumble must be enabled or not.
class bn::rumble_toggle_action
Toggles if rumble must be enabled or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sound_speed_manager
Manages the speed of a sound effect.
class bn::sound_speed_to_action
Modifies the speed of a sound effect until it has a given state.
class bn::sound_speed_loop_action
Modifies the speed of a sound effect from a minimum to a maximum. When the speed is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sound_speed_toggle_action
Changes the speed of a sound effect when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sound_panning_manager
Manages the panning of a sound effect.
class bn::sound_panning_to_action
Modifies the panning of a sound effect until it has a given state.
class bn::sound_panning_loop_action
Modifies the panning of a sound effect from a minimum to a maximum. When the panning is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sound_panning_toggle_action
Changes the panning of a sound effect when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sound_master_volume_manager
Manages the master volume of all sound effects.
class bn::sound_master_volume_to_action
Modifies the master volume of all sound effects until it has a given state.
class bn::sound_master_volume_loop_action
Modifies the master volume of all sound effects from a minimum to a maximum. When the volume is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sound_master_volume_toggle_action
Changes the master volume of all sound effects when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_visible_manager
Manages if a sprite_ptr must be committed to the GBA or not.
class bn::sprite_visible_toggle_action
Toggles if a sprite_ptr must be committed to the GBA or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_position_manager
Manages the position of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_move_by_action
Modifies the position of a sprite_ptr by a given delta.
class bn::sprite_move_to_action
Modifies the position of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_move_loop_action
Modifies the position of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_move_toggle_action
Changes the position of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_top_left_position_manager
Manages the top-left position of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_top_left_move_to_action
Modifies the top-left position of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_top_left_move_loop_action
Modifies the top-left position of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the top-left position is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_top_left_move_toggle_action
Changes the top-left position of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_rotation_manager
Manages the rotation angle of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_rotate_by_action
Modifies the rotation angle of a sprite_ptr by delta_rotation_angle. When the rotation angle is over 360, it goes back to 0 and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_rotate_to_action
Modifies the rotation angle of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_rotate_loop_action
Modifies the rotation angle of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the rotation angle is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_rotate_toggle_action
Changes the rotation angle of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_scale_manager
Manages the horizontal scale of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_scale_to_action
Modifies the horizontal scale of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_scale_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal scale of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_scale_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal scale of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_vertical_scale_manager
Manages the vertical scale of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_vertical_scale_to_action
Modifies the vertical scale of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_vertical_scale_loop_action
Modifies the vertical scale of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_vertical_scale_toggle_action
Changes the vertical scale of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_scale_manager
Manages the scale of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_scale_to_action
Modifies the scale of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_scale_loop_action
Modifies the scale of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_scale_toggle_action
Changes the scale of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_shear_manager
Manages the horizontal shear of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_shear_to_action
Modifies the horizontal shear of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_shear_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal shear of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_shear_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal shear of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_vertical_shear_manager
Manages the vertical shear of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_vertical_shear_to_action
Modifies the vertical shear of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_vertical_shear_loop_action
Modifies the vertical shear of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_vertical_shear_toggle_action
Changes the vertical shear of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_shear_manager
Manages the shear of a sprite_ptr.
class bn::sprite_shear_to_action
Modifies the shear of a sprite_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_shear_loop_action
Modifies the shear of a sprite_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_shear_toggle_action
Changes the shear of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_flip_manager
Manages if a sprite_ptr is flipped in its horizontal axis or not.
class bn::sprite_horizontal_flip_toggle_action
Toggles if a sprite_ptr must be flipped in the horizontal axis or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_vertical_flip_manager
Manages if a sprite_ptr is flipped in its vertical axis or not.
class bn::sprite_vertical_flip_toggle_action
Toggles if a sprite_ptr must be flipped in the vertical axis or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_mosaic_manager
Manages if the mosaic effect must be applied to a sprite_ptr or not.
class bn::sprite_mosaic_toggle_action
Toggles if the mosaic effect must be applied to a sprite_ptr or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_blending_manager
Manages if blending must be applied to a sprite_ptr or not.
class bn::sprite_blending_toggle_action
Toggles if blending must be applied to a sprite_ptr or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_window_manager
Manages if a sprite_ptr must be part of the silhouette of the sprite window or not.
class bn::sprite_window_toggle_action
Toggles if a sprite_ptr must be part of the silhouette of the sprite window or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_rotation_manager
Manages the rotation angle of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_rotate_by_action
Modifies the rotation angle of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr by delta_rotation_angle. When the rotation angle is over 360, it goes back to 0 and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_rotate_to_action
Modifies the rotation angle of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_rotate_loop_action
Modifies the rotation angle of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the rotation angle is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_rotate_toggle_action
Changes the rotation angle of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_scale_manager
Manages the horizontal scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_scale_to_action
Modifies the horizontal scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_scale_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_scale_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_scale_manager
Manages the vertical scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_scale_to_action
Modifies the vertical scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_scale_loop_action
Modifies the vertical scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_scale_toggle_action
Changes the vertical scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_scale_manager
Manages the scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_scale_to_action
Modifies the scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_scale_loop_action
Modifies the scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the scale is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_scale_toggle_action
Changes the scale of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_shear_manager
Manages the horizontal shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_shear_to_action
Modifies the horizontal shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_shear_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_shear_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_shear_manager
Manages the vertical shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_shear_to_action
Modifies the vertical shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_shear_loop_action
Modifies the vertical shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_shear_toggle_action
Changes the vertical shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_shear_manager
Manages the shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_shear_to_action
Modifies the shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_shear_loop_action
Modifies the shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the shear is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_shear_toggle_action
Changes the shear of a sprite_affine_mat_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_flip_manager
Manages if a sprite_affine_mat_ptr is flipped in its horizontal axis or not.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_horizontal_flip_toggle_action
Toggles if a sprite_affine_mat_ptr must be flipped in the horizontal axis or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_flip_manager
Manages if a sprite_affine_mat_ptr is flipped in its vertical axis or not.
class bn::sprite_affine_mat_vertical_flip_toggle_action
Toggles if a sprite_affine_mat_ptr must be flipped in the vertical axis or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::isprite_animate_action
Base class of bn::sprite_animate_action.
class bn::isprite_cached_animate_action
Base class of bn::sprite_cached_animate_action.
template<int MaxSize>
class bn::sprite_animate_action
Changes the tile set of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
template<int MaxSize>
class bn::sprite_cached_animate_action
Changes the tile set of a sprite_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palette_inverted_manager
Manages if the colors of a sprite_palette_ptr must be inverted or not.
class bn::sprite_palette_inverted_toggle_action
Toggles if the colors of a sprite_palette_ptr must be inverted or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palette_grayscale_manager
Manages the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr.
class bn::sprite_palette_grayscale_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palette_grayscale_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palette_grayscale_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palette_hue_shift_manager
Manages the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr.
class bn::sprite_palette_hue_shift_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palette_hue_shift_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palette_hue_shift_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palette_fade_manager
Manages the intensity of the fade effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr.
class bn::sprite_palette_fade_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palette_fade_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palette_fade_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the fade effect applied to a sprite_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palette_rotate_manager
Manages the number of colors to rotate to the right in a sprite_palette_ptr.
class bn::sprite_palette_rotate_by_action
Modifies the number of colors to rotate to the right in a sprite_palette_ptr by delta_count when the action is updated a given number of times. When the property is over the given maximum, it goes back to the given minimum and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palette_rotate_to_action
Modifies the number of colors to rotate to the right in a sprite_palette_ptr until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palette_rotate_loop_action
Modifies the number of colors to rotate to the right in a sprite_palette_ptr from a minimum to a maximum. When the number of colors to rotate to the right is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palette_rotate_toggle_action
Changes the number of colors to rotate to the right in a sprite_palette_ptr when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palettes_brightness_manager
Manages the brightness of all sprite color palettes.
class bn::sprite_palettes_brightness_to_action
Modifies the brightness of all sprite color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palettes_brightness_loop_action
Modifies the brightness of all sprite color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the brightness is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palettes_brightness_toggle_action
Changes the brightness of all sprite color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palettes_contrast_manager
Manages the contrast of all sprite color palettes.
class bn::sprite_palettes_contrast_to_action
Modifies the contrast of all sprite color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palettes_contrast_loop_action
Modifies the contrast of all sprite color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the contrast is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palettes_contrast_toggle_action
Changes the contrast of all sprite color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palettes_intensity_manager
Manages the intensity of all sprite color palettes.
class bn::sprite_palettes_intensity_to_action
Modifies the intensity of all sprite color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palettes_intensity_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of all sprite color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palettes_intensity_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of all sprite color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palettes_inverted_manager
Manages if the colors of all sprite color palettes must be inverted or not.
class bn::sprite_palettes_inverted_toggle_action
Toggles if the colors of all sprite color palettes must be inverted or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palettes_grayscale_manager
Manages the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all sprite color palettes.
class bn::sprite_palettes_grayscale_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all sprite color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palettes_grayscale_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all sprite color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palettes_grayscale_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the grayscale effect applied to all sprite color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palettes_hue_shift_manager
Manages the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all sprite color palettes.
class bn::sprite_palettes_hue_shift_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all sprite color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palettes_hue_shift_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all sprite color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palettes_hue_shift_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the hue shift effect applied to all sprite color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprite_palettes_fade_manager
Manages the intensity of the fade effect applied to all sprite color palettes.
class bn::sprite_palettes_fade_to_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to all sprite color palettes until it has a given state.
class bn::sprite_palettes_fade_loop_action
Modifies the intensity of the fade effect applied to all sprite color palettes from a minimum to a maximum. When the intensity is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprite_palettes_fade_toggle_action
Changes the intensity of the fade effect applied to all sprite color palettes when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprites_visible_manager
Manages if the sprite layer must be shown or not.
class bn::sprites_visible_toggle_action
Toggles if the sprite layer must be shown or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprites_blending_bottom_enabled_manager
Manages if the sprite layer must be part of the blending bottom layer or not.
class bn::sprites_blending_bottom_enabled_toggle_action
Toggles if the sprite layer is part of the blending bottom layer or not when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_manager
Manages the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_to_action
Modifies the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites until it has a given state.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_loop_action
Modifies the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites from a minimum to a maximum. When the horizontal stretch is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_horizontal_stretch_toggle_action
Changes the horizontal stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_vertical_stretch_manager
Manages the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_vertical_stretch_to_action
Modifies the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites until it has a given state.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_vertical_stretch_loop_action
Modifies the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites from a minimum to a maximum. When the vertical stretch is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_vertical_stretch_toggle_action
Changes the vertical stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites when the action is updated a given number of times.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_stretch_manager
Manages the stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_stretch_to_action
Modifies the stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites until it has a given state.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_stretch_loop_action
Modifies the stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites from a minimum to a maximum. When the stretch is equal to the given final state, it goes back to its initial state and vice versa.
class bn::sprites_mosaic_stretch_toggle_action
Changes the stretch of the mosaic applied to the sprites when the action is updated a given number of times.