FunctionalPart of the standard function objects library.
It provides the standard hash function.
- file bn_functional.h
template<>struct bn::hash<affine_bg_map_ptr>
- Hash support for affine_
bg_ map_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<affine_bg_mat_attributes_hbe_ptr>
- Hash support for affine_
bg_ mat_ attributes_ hbe_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<affine_bg_ptr>
- Hash support for affine_
bg_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<affine_bg_tiles_ptr>
- Hash support for affine_
bg_ tiles_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<bg_palette_ptr>
- Hash support for bg_
palette_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<ibitset>
- Hash support for ibitset.
template<>struct bn::hash<camera_ptr>
- Hash support for camera_
ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<color>
- Hash support for color.
template<>struct bn::hash<dmg_music_item>
- Hash support for dmg_
music_ item. -
template<>struct bn::hash<dmg_music_position>
- Hash support for dmg_
music_ position. -
template<int Precision>struct bn::hash<fixed_t<Precision>>
- Hash support for fixed_
t. -
template<int Precision>struct bn::hash<fixed_point_t<Precision>>
- Hash support for fixed_
point_ t. -
template<int Precision>struct bn::hash<fixed_rect_t<Precision>>
- Hash support for fixed_
rect_ t. -
template<int Precision>struct bn::hash<fixed_size_t<Precision>>
- Hash support for fixed_
size_ t. -
template<typename Type>class bn::equal_to
- Function object for performing comparisons using the equal operator.
template<typename Type>class bn::less
- Function object for performing comparisons using the less than operator.
template<typename Type>struct bn::hash
- Hash function object.
template<>struct bn::hash<unsigned>
- Hash support for unsigned.
template<>struct bn::hash<bool>
- Hash support for bool.
template<>struct bn::hash<char>
- Hash support for char.
template<>struct bn::hash<int8_t>
- Hash support for int8_t.
template<>struct bn::hash<uint8_t>
- Hash support for uint8_t.
template<>struct bn::hash<int16_t>
- Hash support for int16_t.
template<>struct bn::hash<uint16_t>
- Hash support for uint16_t.
template<>struct bn::hash<int>
- Hash support for int.
template<typename Type>struct bn::hash<Type*>
- Hash support for pointers.
template<typename EnumType>struct bn::hash<EnumType>
- Hash support for enums.
template<>struct bn::hash<int64_t>
- Hash support for int64_t.
template<>struct bn::hash<uint64_t>
- Hash support for uint64_t.
template<>struct bn::hash<float>
- Hash support for float.
template<>struct bn::hash<double>
- Hash support for double.
template<>struct bn::hash<long double>
- Hash support for long double.
template<>struct bn::hash<hbe_ptr>
- Hash support for hbe_
ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<istring_base>
- Hash support for istring_
base. -
template<>struct bn::hash<music_item>
- Hash support for music_
item. -
template<typename Type>struct bn::hash<optional<Type>>
- Hash support for optional.
template<>struct bn::hash<point>
- Hash support for point.
template<>struct bn::hash<rect>
- Hash support for rect.
template<>struct bn::hash<regular_bg_map_ptr>
- Hash support for regular_
bg_ map_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<regular_bg_ptr>
- Hash support for regular_
bg_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<regular_bg_tiles_ptr>
- Hash support for regular_
bg_ tiles_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<size>
- Hash support for size.
template<>struct bn::hash<sound_handle>
- Hash support for sound_
handle. -
template<>struct bn::hash<sound_item>
- Hash support for sound_
item. -
template<>struct bn::hash<sprite_affine_mat_attributes_hbe_ptr>
- Hash support for sprite_
affine_ mat_ attributes_ hbe_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<sprite_affine_mat_ptr>
- Hash support for sprite_
affine_ mat_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<sprite_palette_ptr>
- Hash support for sprite_
palette_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<sprite_ptr>
- Hash support for sprite_
ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<sprite_tiles_ptr>
- Hash support for sprite_
tiles_ ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<istring>
- Hash support for istring.
template<int MaxSize>struct bn::hash<string<MaxSize>>
- Hash support for string.
template<>struct bn::hash<string_view>
- Hash support for string_
view. -
template<int Precision>struct bn::hash<top_left_fixed_rect_t<Precision>>
- Hash support for top_
left_ fixed_ rect_ t. -
template<>struct bn::hash<top_left_rect>
- Hash support for top_
left_ rect. -
template<>struct bn::hash<type_id_t>
- Hash support for type_
id_ t. -
template<typename Type, typename Deleter>struct bn::hash<unique_ptr<Type, Deleter>>
- Hash support for unique_
ptr. -
template<>struct bn::hash<window>
- Hash support for window.
template<typename Type>void hash_combine(const Type& value, unsigned& result) constexpr
- Combines the hash of the given value with another hash.
- auto array_hash(const void* ptr, int size) -> unsigned constexpr
- Calculates the hash of the given plain data array.
template<typename Type>auto make_hash(const Type& value) -> unsigned constexpr
- Returns the hash of the given value.
Function documentation
#include <bn_functional.h>
template<typename Type>
void hash_combine(const Type& value,
unsigned& result) constexpr
Combines the hash of the given value with another hash.
Parameters | |
value | result hash is combined with the hash of this value. |
result | The hash of the given value is combined with this hash, and stored in it. |
unsigned array_hash(const void* ptr,
int size) constexpr
#include <bn_functional.h>
Calculates the hash of the given plain data array.
Parameters | |
ptr | Start position of the plain data array. |
size | Size in bytes of the plain data array. |
#include <bn_functional.h>
template<typename Type>
unsigned make_hash(const Type& value) constexpr
Returns the hash of the given value.