Standard library module

Butano standard library replacement.

Main differences against C++'s standard library is the usage of asserts instead of exceptions and that it avoids heap usage when possible.


module Containers
module Utilities
module Functional


file bn_algorithm.h
file bn_bit.h
file bn_compare.h
file bn_cstdlib.h
file bn_cstring.h
file bn_iterator.h
file bn_limits.h
file bn_type_traits.h


auto malloc(int bytes) -> void*
Allocates uninitialized storage in EWRAM.
auto calloc(int num, int bytes) -> void*
Allocates storage in EWRAM for an array of num objects of bytes size and initializes all bytes in it to zero.
auto realloc(void* ptr, int new_bytes) -> void*
Reallocates the given storage in the EWRAM.
void free(void* ptr)
Deallocates the storage previously allocated by bn::malloc, bn::calloc or bn::realloc.
void memcpy(void* destination, const void* source, int bytes)
Copies the given bytes from the object pointed to by source to the object pointed to by destination.
void memset(void* destination, uint8_t value, int bytes)
Copies the given value into each of the first given bytes of the object pointed to by destination.
void memclear(void* destination, int bytes)
Copies the value 0 into each of the first given bytes of the object pointed to by destination.

Function documentation

void* malloc(int bytes)

Allocates uninitialized storage in EWRAM.

bytes Bytes to allocate.
Returns On success, returns the pointer to the beginning of newly allocated memory. On failure, returns nullptr.

To avoid a memory leak, the returned pointer must be deallocated with bn::free.

void* calloc(int num, int bytes)

Allocates storage in EWRAM for an array of num objects of bytes size and initializes all bytes in it to zero.

num Number of objects.
bytes Size in bytes of each object.
Returns On success, returns the pointer to the beginning of newly allocated memory. On failure, returns nullptr.

To avoid a memory leak, the returned pointer must be deallocated with bn::free.

void* realloc(void* ptr, int new_bytes)

Reallocates the given storage in the EWRAM.

ptr Pointer to the storage to reallocate.
new_bytes New size in bytes of the reallocated storage.
Returns On success, returns the pointer to the beginning of newly allocated storage. On failure, returns nullptr.

If ptr was not previously allocated by bn::malloc, bn::calloc or bn::realloc, the behavior is undefined.

On success, the original pointer ptr is invalidated and any access to it is undefined behavior (even if reallocation was in-place).

To avoid a memory leak, the returned pointer must be deallocated with bn::free.

void free(void* ptr)

Deallocates the storage previously allocated by bn::malloc, bn::calloc or bn::realloc.

ptr Pointer to the storage to deallocate. It is invalidated and any access to it is undefined behavior.

If ptr is nullptr, the function does nothing.

If ptr was not previously allocated by bn::malloc, bn::calloc or bn::realloc, the behavior is undefined.

void memcpy(void* destination, const void* source, int bytes)

Copies the given bytes from the object pointed to by source to the object pointed to by destination.

destination Pointer to the memory location to copy to.
source Pointer to the memory location to copy from.
bytes Number of bytes to copy.

void memset(void* destination, uint8_t value, int bytes)

Copies the given value into each of the first given bytes of the object pointed to by destination.

destination Pointer to the object to fill.
value Fill byte.
bytes Number of bytes to fill.

void memclear(void* destination, int bytes)

Copies the value 0 into each of the first given bytes of the object pointed to by destination.

destination Pointer to the object to clear.
bytes Number of bytes to clear.