#include <bn_fixed.h>
template<int Precision>
bn::fixed_t class

Poor man's float.

Template parameters
Precision Number of bits used for the fractional part.

It fakes numbers with decimal points with integers.

Public static functions

static auto from_data(int data) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns a fixed_t with the given internal data.
static auto precision() -> int constexpr
Returns the number of bits used for the fractional part.
static auto scale() -> int constexpr
Returns the internal data of fixed_t<Precision>(1);.
static auto half_scale() -> int constexpr
Returns the internal data of fixed_t<Precision / 2>(1);.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

fixed_t() defaulted constexpr
Default constructor.
fixed_t(int value) constexpr
fixed_t(unsigned value) constexpr
fixed_t(float value) constexpr
fixed_t(double value) constexpr
template<int OtherPrecision>
fixed_t(fixed_t<OtherPrecision> other) constexpr
operator int() const explicit constexpr
Returns the integer part using a division.
operator float() const explicit constexpr
Returns the nearest single precision floating point value.
operator double() const explicit constexpr
Returns the nearest double precision floating point value.

Public functions

auto data() const -> int constexpr
Returns the internal data.
auto integer() const -> int constexpr
Returns the integer part using a division.
auto right_shift_integer() const -> int constexpr
Returns the integer part using a right shift.
auto unsigned_integer() const -> unsigned constexpr
Returns the integer part, assuming that it is >= 0.
auto round_integer() const -> int constexpr
Returns the nearest integer value.
auto floor_integer() const -> int constexpr
Returns the largest integer value not greater than this value.
auto ceil_integer() const -> int constexpr
Returns the smallest integer value not less than this value.
auto fraction() const -> int constexpr
Returns the fractional part.
auto to_float() const -> float constexpr
Returns the nearest single precision floating point value.
auto to_double() const -> double constexpr
Returns the nearest double precision floating point value.
auto multiplication(int value) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the multiplication of this value by the given integer value.
auto multiplication(fixed_t other) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the multiplication of this value by the given fixed point value, using half precision to try to avoid overflow.
auto safe_multiplication(int value) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the multiplication of this value by the given integer value.
auto safe_multiplication(fixed_t other) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the multiplication of this value by the given fixed point value, casting them to int64_t to try to avoid overflow.
auto unsafe_multiplication(int value) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the multiplication of this value by the given integer value.
auto unsafe_multiplication(fixed_t other) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the multiplication of this value by the given fixed point value without trying to avoid overflow.
auto division(int value) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the division of this value by the given integer value.
auto division(fixed_t other) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the division of this value by the given fixed point value, using half precision to try to avoid overflow.
auto safe_division(int value) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the division of this value by the given integer value.
auto safe_division(fixed_t other) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the division of this value by the given fixed point value, casting them to int64_t to try to avoid overflow.
auto unsafe_division(int value) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the division of this value by the given integer value.
auto unsafe_division(fixed_t other) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the division of this value by the given fixed point value without trying to avoid overflow.
auto modulo(int value) const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the remainder of the division of this value by the given integer value.
auto operator-() const -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns a fixed_t that is formed by changing the sign of this one.
auto operator+=(fixed_t other) -> fixed_t& constexpr
Adds the given fixed_t to this one.
auto operator-=(fixed_t other) -> fixed_t& constexpr
Subtracts the given fixed_t to this one.
auto operator*=(int value) -> fixed_t& constexpr
Multiplies this fixed_t by the given factor.
auto operator*=(fixed_t other) -> fixed_t& constexpr
Multiplies this fixed_t by the given factor.
auto operator/=(int value) -> fixed_t& constexpr
Divides this fixed_t by the given divisor.
auto operator/=(fixed_t other) -> fixed_t& constexpr
Divides this fixed_t by the given divisor.
auto operator%=(int other) -> fixed_t& constexpr
Assigns the remainder of the division of this fixed_t by the given divisor.


auto operator+(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the sum of a and b.
template<int OtherPrecision>
auto operator+(fixed_t a, fixed_t<OtherPrecision> b) -> fixed_t<bn::max(Precision, OtherPrecision)> constexpr
Returns the sum of a and b.
auto operator-(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the subtraction of a and b.
template<int OtherPrecision>
auto operator-(fixed_t a, fixed_t<OtherPrecision> b) -> fixed_t<bn::max(Precision, OtherPrecision)> constexpr
Returns the subtraction of a and b.
auto operator*(fixed_t a, int b) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns a multiplied by b.
auto operator*(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns a multiplied by b.
template<int OtherPrecision>
auto operator*(fixed_t a, fixed_t<OtherPrecision> b) -> fixed_t<bn::max(Precision, OtherPrecision)> constexpr
Returns a multiplied by b.
auto operator/(fixed_t a, int b) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns a divided by b.
auto operator/(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns a divided by b.
template<int OtherPrecision>
auto operator/(fixed_t a, fixed_t<OtherPrecision> b) -> fixed_t<bn::max(Precision, OtherPrecision)> constexpr
Returns a divided by b.
auto operator%(fixed_t a, int b) -> fixed_t constexpr
Returns the remainder of the division of a by b.
auto operator<=>(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) -> auto defaulted constexpr
Default three-way comparison operator.

Function documentation

template<int Precision>
static fixed_t bn::fixed_t<Precision>::from_data(int data) constexpr

Returns a fixed_t with the given internal data.

If you want to convert an integer value to fixed_t, you should use its constructor.

template<int Precision>
bn::fixed_t<Precision>::fixed_t(int value) constexpr


value Integer value.

template<int Precision>
bn::fixed_t<Precision>::fixed_t(unsigned value) constexpr


value Unsigned integer value.

template<int Precision>
bn::fixed_t<Precision>::fixed_t(float value) constexpr


value Single precision floating point value.

template<int Precision>
bn::fixed_t<Precision>::fixed_t(double value) constexpr


value Double precision floating point value.

template<int Precision> template<int OtherPrecision>
bn::fixed_t<Precision>::fixed_t(fixed_t<OtherPrecision> other) constexpr


other Fixed point value.

template<int Precision>
fixed_t& bn::fixed_t<Precision>::operator+=(fixed_t other) constexpr

Adds the given fixed_t to this one.

other fixed_t to add.
Returns Reference to this.

template<int Precision>
fixed_t& bn::fixed_t<Precision>::operator-=(fixed_t other) constexpr

Subtracts the given fixed_t to this one.

other fixed_t to subtract.
Returns Reference to this.

template<int Precision>
fixed_t& bn::fixed_t<Precision>::operator*=(int value) constexpr

Multiplies this fixed_t by the given factor.

value Integer multiplication factor.
Returns Reference to this.

template<int Precision>
fixed_t& bn::fixed_t<Precision>::operator*=(fixed_t other) constexpr

Multiplies this fixed_t by the given factor.

other Fixed point multiplication factor.
Returns Reference to this.

template<int Precision>
fixed_t& bn::fixed_t<Precision>::operator/=(int value) constexpr

Divides this fixed_t by the given divisor.

value Valid integer divisor (!= 0).
Returns Reference to this.

template<int Precision>
fixed_t& bn::fixed_t<Precision>::operator/=(fixed_t other) constexpr

Divides this fixed_t by the given divisor.

other Valid fixed point divisor (!= 0).
Returns Reference to this.

template<int Precision>
fixed_t& bn::fixed_t<Precision>::operator%=(int other) constexpr

Assigns the remainder of the division of this fixed_t by the given divisor.

other Valid integer divisor (!= 0).
Returns Reference to this.