bn::affine_bg_tiles_item class

Contains the required information to generate affine background tiles.

The assets conversion tools generate an object of this type in the build folder for each *.bmp file with affine_bg type.

The tiles are not copied but referenced, so they should outlive the affine_bg_tiles_item to avoid dangling references.

Public static functions

static auto valid_tiles_count(int tiles_count) -> bool constexpr
Indicates if the specified tiles count are valid or not.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

affine_bg_tiles_item(const span<const tile>& tiles_ref) explicit constexpr
affine_bg_tiles_item(const span<const tile>& tiles_ref, compression_type compression) constexpr

Public functions

auto compression() const -> compression_type constexpr
Returns the compression type.
auto decompress(span<tile> decompressed_tiles_ref) const -> affine_bg_tiles_item
Decompresses the stored data in the tiles referenced by decompressed_tiles_ref.
auto tiles_ref() const -> const span<const tile>& constexpr
Returns the reference to one or more background tiles.
auto find_tiles() const -> optional<affine_bg_tiles_ptr>
Searches for an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles.
auto create_tiles() const -> affine_bg_tiles_ptr
Searches for an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles. If they are not found, it creates an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference them.
auto create_tiles_optional() const -> optional<affine_bg_tiles_ptr>
Searches for an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles. If they are not found, it creates an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference them.


auto operator==(const affine_bg_tiles_item& a, const affine_bg_tiles_item& b) -> bool constexpr
Equal operator.
auto operator!=(const affine_bg_tiles_item& a, const affine_bg_tiles_item& b) -> bool constexpr
Not equal operator.

Function documentation

bn::affine_bg_tiles_item::affine_bg_tiles_item(const span<const tile>& tiles_ref) explicit constexpr


tiles_ref Reference to one or more background tiles.

The tiles are not copied but referenced, so they should outlive the affine_bg_tiles_item to avoid dangling references.

bn::affine_bg_tiles_item::affine_bg_tiles_item(const span<const tile>& tiles_ref, compression_type compression) constexpr


tiles_ref Reference to one or more background tiles.
compression Compression type.

The tiles are not copied but referenced, so they should outlive the affine_bg_tiles_item to avoid dangling references.

affine_bg_tiles_item bn::affine_bg_tiles_item::decompress(span<tile> decompressed_tiles_ref) const

Decompresses the stored data in the tiles referenced by decompressed_tiles_ref.

decompressed_tiles_ref Destination of the decompressed tiles.
Returns An affine_bg_tiles_item pointing to the decompressed tiles.

If the source and destination tiles overlap, the behavior is undefined.

const span<const tile>& bn::affine_bg_tiles_item::tiles_ref() const constexpr

Returns the reference to one or more background tiles.

The tiles are not copied but referenced, so they should outlive the affine_bg_tiles_item to avoid dangling references.

optional<affine_bg_tiles_ptr> bn::affine_bg_tiles_item::find_tiles() const

Searches for an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles.

Returns affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles if they have been found; bn::nullopt otherwise.

affine_bg_tiles_ptr bn::affine_bg_tiles_item::create_tiles() const

Searches for an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles. If they are not found, it creates an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference them.

Returns affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles if they have been found; otherwise it returns an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference them.

The tiles are not copied but referenced, so they should outlive the affine_bg_tiles_ptr to avoid dangling references.

optional<affine_bg_tiles_ptr> bn::affine_bg_tiles_item::create_tiles_optional() const

Searches for an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles. If they are not found, it creates an affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference them.

Returns affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference the background tiles if they have been found; otherwise it returns a new affine_bg_tiles_ptr which reference them if it could be allocated; bn::nullopt otherwise.

The tiles are not copied but referenced, so they should outlive the affine_bg_tiles_ptr to avoid dangling references.

bool operator==(const affine_bg_tiles_item& a, const affine_bg_tiles_item& b) constexpr

Equal operator.

a First affine_bg_tiles_item to compare.
b Second affine_bg_tiles_item to compare.
Returns true if the first affine_bg_tiles_item is equal to the second one, otherwise false.

bool operator!=(const affine_bg_tiles_item& a, const affine_bg_tiles_item& b) constexpr

Not equal operator.

a First affine_bg_tiles_item to compare.
b Second affine_bg_tiles_item to compare.
Returns true if the first affine_bg_tiles_item is not equal to the second one, otherwise false.