#include <bn_span.h>
template<typename Type>
bn::span class

std::span like container.

Template parameters
Type Element type.

It doesn't throw exceptions. Instead, asserts are used to ensure valid usage.

Public types

using value_type = Type
Value type alias.
using size_type = int
Size type alias.
using difference_type = int
Difference type alias.
using reference = Type&
Reference alias.
using const_reference = const Type&
Const reference alias.
using pointer = Type*
Pointer alias.
using const_pointer = const Type*
Const pointer alias.
using iterator = Type*
Iterator alias.
using const_iterator = const Type*
Const iterator alias.
using reverse_iterator = bn::reverse_iterator<iterator>
Reverse iterator alias.
using const_reverse_iterator = bn::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
Const reverse iterator alias.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

span() defaulted constexpr
Constructs an empty span.
span(pointer ptr, size_type size) constexpr
Constructs a span that is a view over the range [ptr, ptr + size).
span(pointer first, pointer last) constexpr
Constructs a span that is a view over the range [first, last).
template<size_type ArraySize>
span(value_type(&array)[ArraySize]) constexpr
Constructs a span that is a view over the given array.
template<class OtherType, size_type ArraySize>
span(const array<OtherType, ArraySize>& array) constexpr
Constructs a span that is a const view over the given bn::array.
template<class OtherType, size_type ArraySize>
span(array<OtherType, ArraySize>& array) constexpr
Constructs a span that is a non-const view over the given bn::array.
template<class OtherType>
span(const span<OtherType>& other) constexpr
Constructs a span that is a view over a span of another type.

Public functions

auto data() const -> const_pointer constexpr
Returns a const pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.
auto data() -> pointer constexpr
Returns a pointer to the beginning of the referenced data.
auto size() const -> size_type constexpr
Returns the number of referenced elements.
auto size_bytes() const -> size_type constexpr
Returns the number of referenced bytes.
auto empty() const -> bool constexpr
Indicates if it doesn't reference any element.
auto begin() const -> const_iterator constexpr
Returns a const iterator to the beginning of the span.
auto begin() -> iterator constexpr
Returns an iterator to the beginning of the span.
auto cbegin() const -> const_iterator constexpr
Returns a const iterator to the beginning of the span.
auto end() const -> const_iterator constexpr
Returns a const iterator to the end of the span.
auto end() -> iterator constexpr
Returns an iterator to the end of the span.
auto cend() const -> const_iterator constexpr
Returns a const iterator to the end of the span.
auto rbegin() const -> const_reverse_iterator constexpr
Returns a const reverse iterator to the end of the span.
auto rbegin() -> reverse_iterator constexpr
Returns a reverse iterator to the end of the span.
auto crbegin() const -> const_reverse_iterator constexpr
Returns a const reverse iterator to the end of the span.
auto rend() const -> const_reverse_iterator constexpr
Returns a const reverse iterator to the begin of the span.
auto rend() -> reverse_iterator constexpr
Returns a reverse iterator to the begin of the span.
auto crend() const -> const_reverse_iterator constexpr
Returns a const reverse iterator to the begin of the span.
auto front() const -> const_reference constexpr
Returns a const reference to the first element.
auto front() -> reference constexpr
Returns a reference to the first element.
auto back() const -> const_reference constexpr
Returns a const reference to the last element.
auto back() -> reference constexpr
Returns a reference to the last element.
auto operator[](size_type index) const -> const_reference constexpr
Returns a const reference to the value stored at the specified index.
auto operator[](size_type index) -> reference constexpr
Returns a reference to the value stored at the specified index.
auto at(size_type index) const -> const_reference constexpr
Returns a const reference to the value stored at the specified index.
auto at(size_type index) -> reference constexpr
Returns a reference to the value stored at the specified index.
auto first(size_type count) const -> span constexpr
Returns a span that is a view over the first count elements of this span.
auto last(size_type count) const -> span constexpr
Returns a span that is a view over the last count elements of this span.
auto subspan(size_type offset) const -> span constexpr
Returns a span that is a view over the elements of this span starting at offset.
auto subspan(size_type offset, size_type count) const -> span constexpr
Obtains a span that is a view over the count elements of this span starting at offset.
void swap(span& other) constexpr
Exchanges the contents of this span with those of the other one.


void swap(span& a, span& b) constexpr
Exchanges the contents of a span with those of another one.
auto operator==(const span& a, const span& b) -> bool constexpr
Equal operator.
auto operator<(const span& a, const span& b) -> bool constexpr
Less than operator.
auto operator>(const span& a, const span& b) -> bool constexpr
Greater than operator.
auto operator<=(const span& a, const span& b) -> bool constexpr
Less than or equal operator.
auto operator>=(const span& a, const span& b) -> bool constexpr
Greater than or equal operator.

Function documentation

template<typename Type>
bn::span<Type>::span(pointer ptr, size_type size) constexpr

Constructs a span that is a view over the range [ptr, ptr + size).

ptr Pointer to the first element.
size Elements count.

template<typename Type>
bn::span<Type>::span(pointer first, pointer last) constexpr

Constructs a span that is a view over the range [first, last).

first Pointer to the first element.
last Pointer to the element after the last.

template<typename Type>
void bn::span<Type>::swap(span& other) constexpr

Exchanges the contents of this span with those of the other one.

other span to exchange the contents with.

template<typename Type>
void swap(span& a, span& b) constexpr

Exchanges the contents of a span with those of another one.

a First span to exchange the contents with.
b Second span to exchange the contents with.

template<typename Type>
bool operator==(const span& a, const span& b) constexpr

Equal operator.

a First span to compare.
b Second span to compare.
Returns true if the first span is equal to the second one, otherwise false.

template<typename Type>
bool operator<(const span& a, const span& b) constexpr

Less than operator.

a First span to compare.
b Second span to compare.
Returns true if the first span is lexicographically less than the second one, otherwise false.

template<typename Type>
bool operator>(const span& a, const span& b) constexpr

Greater than operator.

a First span to compare.
b Second span to compare.
Returns true if the first span is lexicographically greater than the second one, otherwise false.

template<typename Type>
bool operator<=(const span& a, const span& b) constexpr

Less than or equal operator.

a First span to compare.
b Second span to compare.
Returns true if the first span is lexicographically less than or equal to the second one, otherwise false.

template<typename Type>
bool operator>=(const span& a, const span& b) constexpr

Greater than or equal operator.

a First span to compare.
b Second span to compare.
Returns true if the first span is lexicographically greater than or equal to the second one, otherwise false.