Standard library » Containers » Array module

std::array like container.

It doesn't throw exceptions. Instead, asserts are used to ensure valid usage.


file bn_array.h
file bn_array_fwd.h


template<typename Type, int Size>
class bn::array
std::array like container.


template<typename Type, int Size>
auto to_array(Type(&base_array)[Size]) -> array<remove_cv_t<Type>, Size> constexpr
Creates a bn::array object from the given built-in array.
template<typename Type, int Size>
auto to_array(Type( && base_array)[Size]) -> array<remove_cv_t<Type>, Size> constexpr
Creates a bn::array object from the given built-in array.

Function documentation

#include <bn_array.h>
template<typename Type, int Size>
array<remove_cv_t<Type>, Size> to_array(Type(&base_array)[Size]) constexpr

Creates a bn::array object from the given built-in array.

#include <bn_array.h>
template<typename Type, int Size>
array<remove_cv_t<Type>, Size> to_array(Type( && base_array)[Size]) constexpr

Creates a bn::array object from the given built-in array.