bn::bg_tiles namespace

Background tiles related functions.


auto used_tiles_count() -> int
Returns the number of used background tiles managed with regular_bg_tiles_ptr and affine_bg_tiles_ptr objects.
auto available_tiles_count() -> int
Returns the number of available background tiles that can be managed with regular_bg_tiles_ptr and affine_bg_tiles_ptr objects.
auto used_blocks_count() -> int
Returns the number of used background tile sets created with regular_bg_tiles_ptr and affine_bg_tiles_ptr static constructors.
auto available_blocks_count() -> int
Returns the number of available background tile sets that can be created with regular_bg_tiles_ptr and affine_bg_tiles_ptr static constructors.
auto allow_offset() -> bool
Specifies if tile offsets are allowed to improve VRAM usage when creating regular_bg_tiles_ptr and affine_bg_tiles_ptr objects.
void set_allow_offset(bool allow_offset)
Sets if tile offsets are allowed to improve VRAM usage when creating regular_bg_tiles_ptr and affine_bg_tiles_ptr objects.
void log_status()
Logs the current status of the background blocks manager.