bn::bg_maps namespace

Background maps related functions.


auto used_cells_count() -> int
Returns the number of used background map cells.
auto available_cells_count() -> int
Returns the number of available background map cells.
auto used_blocks_count() -> int
Returns the number of used background map cell blocks.
auto available_blocks_count() -> int
Returns the number of available background map cell blocks.
auto new_affine_big_map_canvas_size() -> affine_bg_big_map_canvas_size
Returns the size of the canvas used to create big affine background maps.
void set_new_affine_big_map_canvas_size(affine_bg_big_map_canvas_size affine_big_map_canvas_size)
Sets the size of the canvas used to create big affine background maps.
void log_status()
Logs the current status of the background blocks manager.